Zaupanja vredni


Dovje 117 , 4281 Mojstrana, Slovenija

Galerija slik


Production of electric kilns for glass and ceramic

Kilns products

You can find all kinds of electric furnaces in our offer, from standard models, to custom-made furnaces.

Our furnaces are appropriate for use in all kinds of small and bigger companies, private institutions, schools, kindergartens, and even in the homes of creative artists. Furnaces and kilns PIKA are completely our products, from the first sketch to the final elements.

Glass kilns

  • Glass melting kilns
  • Glass melting crucibles
  • Electric glass fusing kiln
  • Glass melting top loader furnace
  • Electric glory hole
  • Anealing kiln

Ceramic kilns

  • Electric ceramic kilns
  • Electric ceramic top load kilns
  • Electric kiln for jewelry, beads
  • Electric pottery wheel Pika

Metal kilns

  • Tempering metal kiln
  • Metal melting
  • Furnace for metal treatment MT 100

Other kilns

  • Fast laboratory kilns
  • Debinding kiln with two motorised waggons
  • New tunnel kiln
  • Two in one kiln – expulsion and incineration of ammonia

About us

The first steps towards creating company PIKA Kilns are based in 1985. This means we are on the market for more than 30 years.
We started our business path with selling quality furnaces for glass and ceramics, and we continued with production of custom-made furnaces and kilns that are products of our knowledge, from the first sketch to the final product. In decades on the market, our business path led us in all places around the world, and we have become one of the leading manufacturers of furnaces and kilns in numerous foreign markets. Among others, we are the manufacturers of the kiln for glass with the biggest surface in the world. This kiln is being used by company Derix in Germany.

Although we have been present in many foreign markets throughout our career, it has been only in the last years that we have also started gaining recognition on the Slovenian market. This is something that we are very proud of because, as the saying goes, the hardest praise to get is always from the home experts.

One of our biggest steps we made in 2018 was moving our industrial hall into Mojstrana. This was a long-needed change, due to big increases in our production.


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* Prosimo, upoštevajte: da bi preverili zakonitost vseh mnenj, ki jih objavimo, potrebujemo dokazilo o vašem sodelovanjem/obisku podjetja. Vsi objavljenei dokumenti bodo uporabljeni izključno le za namene preverjanja legitimnosti vašega mnenja glede podjetja.

Dodaj datoteke

Potrjujem, da so tukaj predloženi podatki resnični in točni. Potrjujem, da ne delam za tega ponudnika storitev, nisem konkurenca in nisem povezan z njim.
Z nadaljevanjem se strinjam s Splošni pogoji uporabe.

Hitri kontakt

company map
Dovje 117 , 4281 Mojstrana, Slovenija

Dodatna kontaktna okna

PIKA KILNS, proizvodnja peči d.o.o.
Davčna št.:
Dovje 117, 4281 Mojstrana
Številka računa denarne vrednosti:
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 5311 723 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.)
Odgovorna oseba:
Vukadinović Pika
Kontaktna oseba:
Vukadinović Pika
PIKA KILNS, proizvodnja peči d.o.o.
Dovje 117, 4281 Mojstrana