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Počitniška hišica se nahaja v prelepi vasici Bogojina, ki leži v neposredni bližini Moravskih Toplic. Čudovita narava v osrčju vinogradov je prava izbira za počitnikovanje. Hišica je primerna za vse generacije tako za družine z otroki, mlade pare, ljubitelje raznih športnih aktivnosti, upokojence, manjše skupine,.., predvsem pa za tiste, ki si želijo odpočiti in uživati v sožitju z naravo med številnimi vinogradi.
Hišica ponuja udobno in moderno opremljeno kuhinjo in jedilnico, dnevno sobo, spalnice in kopalnico. Ambient sprejme do 10 oseb. Cena na osebo znaša 8 €. Vas Bogojina ima številne znamenitosti, najbolj je znana po Plečnikovi cerkvi Gospodovega Vnebohoda, vinske kleti v Lipju z ostanki stare arhitekture in številnimi vinogradi. Blizu se nahajajo Terme 3000, ki ponujajo številne sprostitvene in zdraviliške aktivnosti.
What to Do in the Prekmurje Region
Nestled in the serene landscape of Prekmurje, the area around Murska Sobota offers visitors a perfect blend of nature, culture, and adventure. Whether you're seeking tranquility, learning opportunities, or outdoor activities, here are some must-visit spots in this charming region:
1. Bukovniško Lake
A peaceful oasis surrounded by lush forests, Bukovniško Lake is perfect for a relaxing stroll or a picnic. The area is also known for its healing energy points, making it a popular destination for those seeking physical and mental rejuvenation.
2. Fairy Tale Park (Pravljični park)
Located near Bukovniško Lake, this park is an enchanting place where children and families can explore nature through interactive fairy-tale-themed installations. It’s a magical spot that will captivate visitors of all ages.
3. Chapel of St. Vitus (Kapelica Svetega Vida)
This picturesque chapel offers a serene place for reflection, set amidst nature. Close to the chapel, visitors can explore local legends and the spiritual significance of the area.
4. St. Vitus Spring (Izvir Svetega Vida)
Renowned for its healing properties, the St. Vitus Spring has been a pilgrimage site for centuries. Visitors can drink from the spring or simply enjoy the calming environment.
5. Forest Educational Trail (Gozdna učna pot)
Ideal for nature lovers, this educational trail takes you through the rich biodiversity of the surrounding forest. Along the way, information panels introduce you to the local flora and fauna, making it both a relaxing and educational experience.
6. Adventure Park (Pustolovski park)
For those seeking excitement, the Adventure Park near Bukovniško Lake offers various obstacle courses and zip lines. It’s a fun-filled experience for families, children, and adventure enthusiasts.
7. Tropical Garden (Tropski vrt)
Step into a lush tropical environment, home to exotic plants from around the world. The Tropical Garden is a beautiful spot for photography and enjoying the wonders of nature.
8. Solar System Educational Trail (Učna pot Sonce in planeti)
Take a walk through the Solar System! This unique trail offers a scaled-down representation of the planets, allowing visitors to explore the mysteries of space while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.
9. Cimprača
A traditional Prekmurje house, the Cimprača offers a glimpse into the region's past. With its thatched roof and authentic interior, it’s a step back in time and a perfect way to learn about local heritage.
10. Church of St. James (Cerkev Sv. Jakoba)
This historical church, dedicated to St. James, is known for its architectural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. It’s a wonderful place for visitors to appreciate local religious traditions and history.
11. House of Handicrafts (Hiša rokodelstev)
Discover the rich artisanal traditions of Prekmurje. The House of Handicrafts showcases local crafts, including pottery, weaving, and woodworking, with the opportunity to watch artisans at work or even try crafting yourself.
12. Ampelographic Garden (Ampelografski vrt)
Wine enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to this garden, which houses a collection of grapevine varieties. It's a delightful experience for anyone interested in viticulture or the history of wine production in the region.
13. Deak Room (Deakova soba)
The Deak Room is a historical exhibition dedicated to Ferenc Deák, a prominent 19th-century Hungarian statesman. This small museum offers insights into his life and work, highlighting the connection between the region and Hungarian history.
14. Friendship Park (Park prijateljstva)
A lovely park symbolizing the region's commitment to peace and cooperation, Friendship Park is ideal for a quiet walk or relaxation. Its calm atmosphere and well-maintained paths make it a popular spot for locals and visitors alike.
Whether you're drawn to the natural beauty of Bukovniško Lake, the thrill of an adventure park, or the rich cultural heritage of Prekmurje, there’s something for everyone in this picturesque region. Explore, relax, and discover the hidden gems of this stunning part of Slovenia!
- Ključne besede:
- 65980107,
- apartmaji,
- sobe,
- piknik prostor,
- murska sobota,
- janko godvajs,
- prenočišče,
- počitnice,
- narava,
- vinograd,
- razgledne točke,
- ogled mesta,
- počitniška hiša Murska Sobota,
- najem počitniške hiše Murska Sobota,
- počitniška hiša Janko Godvajs,
- udobna počitniška hiša Pomurje,
- počitniške hiše Murska Sobota,
- najem hiše za počitnice Murska Sobota,
- počitniška hiša za družine Murska Sobota,
- počitniška hiša s kmečkim pridihom,
- počitniška hiša v naravi Murska Sobota,
- sobe Murska Sobota,
- najem sobe Janko Godvajs,
- ugodne sobe Murska Sobota,
- sobe z zajtrkom Murska Sobota,
- sobe v bližini Murske Sobote,
- zasebne sobe Janko Godvajs,
- sobe za pare Murska Sobota,
- sobe za družine Murska Sobota,
- prenočišča Murska Sobota,
- prenočišča Janko Godvajs,
- namestitve Murska Sobota,
- udobne namestitve Janko Godvajs,
- namestitve v Pomurju
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