Galerija slik
Kupljenik je naselje v Občini Bled. Vas leži na severnem pobočju Jelovice, nad desnim bregom Save Bohinjke. Je najvišje ležeča vasica v občini Bled, oddaljena le 6 km od centra Bleda.
Velja za tipično gorsko vasico, kjer se v večji meri še vedno ukvarjajo s tradicionalnim kmetijstvom. Naselje je vabljivo zaradi izvirnih kmečkih hiš in razgleda na blejsko okolico s Savo Bohinjko.
V širši okolici je Kupljenik najbolj poznan po ohranjanju stare vaške tradicije Mednje sodi predvsem žegnanje konj na Štefanovo, kjer se za srečo in zdravje konj prosi Sv. Štefana v tamkajšnji cerkvici.
Tik nad vasjo se nahaja hrib Gradišče z lepimi razgledi na Blejsko kotlino in s številnimi razgledi na slikovito pokrajino. Tam leži na skalnem severozahodnem robu Jelovice, v bližini piramidastega kamnitega stolpa imenovanega Babji zob, na nadmorski višini 1008 m, jama pod Babjim zobom.
Počitniška hiša Kupljenik – Bled
Prav na koncu vasi, kjer se asfaltirana pot, ki vodi skozi vas konča, se nahaja na lepi, mirni in sončni lokaciji Počitniška hiša Kupljenik – Bled.
Hiša leži sredi travnikov v dolini pod gozdovi Jelovice na vzhodnem robu vasi. Opremljena je v tradicionalnem kmečkem stilu, zaradi katerega se boste takoj počutili domače in jo sprejeli za svoj začasni dom.
V pritličju hiše je prostorna kuhinja v kateri je kurišče za kmečko peč, ki se nahaja v veliki dnevni sobi, kopalnica z WC, tušem. Iz veže ob vhodu, se po notranjem lesenem stopnišču povzpnemo v mansardni del stavbe, kjer je osrednji hodnik, tri lepo urejene spalnice vse z po dvema enojnima posteljama , še ena kopalnica z WC in kadjo ter balkon.
Površina : 135 m2 – 6 oseb
-hladilnik z zamrzovalnikom
-pomivalni stroj
-aparati za pripravo kave, toasta
Kupljenik is a hamlet in the municipality of Bled. It is situated on the northern slope of Jelovica, above the right bank of the river Sava Bohinjka. It is the highest village in the municipality of Bled, only 6 km away for the centre of Bled. It is a typical mountain village, where for the most part traditional agriculture is still the people’s way of life. The original farmhouses and the view on the surroundings of Bled with the river Sava Bohinjka make the hamlet very inviting.
In the wider surroundings Kupljenik is mostly known for its preserving of old village traditions. One of the most important and well-known traditions is the blessing of the horses on the Day of St. Stephen. In their little church the owners ask the patron saint of horses St. Stephen for their horses to be lucky and healthy.
Right above the village there is a hill called Gradišče with beautiful views on the Bled basin and numerous views on the scenic landscape. There on the rocky north-western edge of Jelovica, close to the pyramid-shaped stone steeple called Babji zob, 1008 m above sea level, is the cave under Babji zob.
Holiday house Kupljenik – Bled
Right at the end of the village, where the asphalt road that leads through the village ends, on a beautiful, peaceful and sunny location you can find the holiday house Kupljenik – Bled.
The house is situated in the middle of the meadows of the valley under the forests of Jelovica, at the eastern edge of the village. It is styled in the traditional country style, which will make you feel right at home and therefore you will immediately accept it as your temporary home.
On the ground floor is a spacy kitchen with a firebox for the farmhouse stove in the living room, a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. From the doorway you can go up the wooden staircase to the attic apartment, where you can find a hallway and three beautifully furnished bedrooms. Every bedroom has two single beds. There is also one additional bathroom with a toilet and a bathtub as well as a balcony.
House surface : 135 m2 – 6 persons
-Refrigerator with a freezer
-Washing machine
-Coffee maker, toaster
Kupljenik je naselje v Občini Bled. Vas leži na severnem pobočju Jelovice, nad desnim bregom Save Bohinjke. Je najvišje ležeča vasica v občini Bled, oddaljena le 6 km od centra Bleda.
Velja za tipično gorsko vasico, kjer se v večji meri še vedno ukvarjajo s tradicionalnim kmetijstvom. Naselje je vabljivo zaradi izvirnih kmečkih hiš in razgleda na blejsko okolico s Savo Bohinjko.
V širši okolici je Kupljenik najbolj poznan po ohranjanju stare vaške tradicije Mednje sodi predvsem žegnanje konj na Štefanovo, kjer se za srečo in zdravje konj prosi Sv. Štefana v tamkajšnji cerkvici.
Tik nad vasjo se nahaja hrib Gradišče z lepimi razgledi na Blejsko kotlino in s številnimi razgledi na slikovito pokrajino. Tam leži na skalnem severozahodnem robu Jelovice, v bližini piramidastega kamnitega stolpa imenovanega Babji zob, na nadmorski višini 1008 m, jama pod Babjim zobom.
Počitniška hiša Kupljenik – Bled
Prav na koncu vasi, kjer se asfaltirana pot, ki vodi skozi vas konča, se nahaja na lepi, mirni in sončni lokaciji Počitniška hiša Kupljenik – Bled.
Hiša leži sredi travnikov v dolini pod gozdovi Jelovice na vzhodnem robu vasi. Opremljena je v tradicionalnem kmečkem stilu, zaradi katerega se boste takoj počutili domače in jo sprejeli za svoj začasni dom.
V pritličju hiše je prostorna kuhinja v kateri je kurišče za kmečko peč, ki se nahaja v veliki dnevni sobi, kopalnica z WC, tušem. Iz veže ob vhodu, se po notranjem lesenem stopnišču povzpnemo v mansardni del stavbe, kjer je osrednji hodnik, tri lepo urejene spalnice vse z po dvema enojnima posteljama , še ena kopalnica z WC in kadjo ter balkon.
Površina : 135 m2 – 6 oseb
- samostojni objekt (hiša)
- lasten vhod
- tri spalnice z dvema enojnima posteljama (100 cm x 200 cm)
- dnevna soba z dvema kavčema in jedilno veliko mizo in klopmi
- polno opremljena samostojna kuhinja z jedilno mizo:
-hladilnik z zamrzovalnikom
-pomivalni stroj
-aparati za pripravo kave, toasta
- vrt – terasa s pogledom na Julijske Alpe, Karavanke in blejsko okolico
- TWC + pralni stroj
- Kad + WC
- sušilec za lase
- brisače
- posteljnina
- satelitska TV
- talno gretje
- ležalniki
- vrtna lesena garnitura
- vrtni žar
- električni priključek: 230 voltov AC (50 Hz)
- parkirno mesto
- prihod od 16 ure do 20 ure – odhod od 8 ure do 10 ure
Kupljenik is a hamlet in the municipality of Bled. It is situated on the northern slope of Jelovica, above the right bank of the river Sava Bohinjka. It is the highest village in the municipality of Bled, only 6 km away for the centre of Bled. It is a typical mountain village, where for the most part traditional agriculture is still the people’s way of life. The original farmhouses and the view on the surroundings of Bled with the river Sava Bohinjka make the hamlet very inviting.
In the wider surroundings Kupljenik is mostly known for its preserving of old village traditions. One of the most important and well-known traditions is the blessing of the horses on the Day of St. Stephen. In their little church the owners ask the patron saint of horses St. Stephen for their horses to be lucky and healthy.
Right above the village there is a hill called Gradišče with beautiful views on the Bled basin and numerous views on the scenic landscape. There on the rocky north-western edge of Jelovica, close to the pyramid-shaped stone steeple called Babji zob, 1008 m above sea level, is the cave under Babji zob.
Holiday house Kupljenik – Bled
Right at the end of the village, where the asphalt road that leads through the village ends, on a beautiful, peaceful and sunny location you can find the holiday house Kupljenik – Bled.
The house is situated in the middle of the meadows of the valley under the forests of Jelovica, at the eastern edge of the village. It is styled in the traditional country style, which will make you feel right at home and therefore you will immediately accept it as your temporary home.
On the ground floor is a spacy kitchen with a firebox for the farmhouse stove in the living room, a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. From the doorway you can go up the wooden staircase to the attic apartment, where you can find a hallway and three beautifully furnished bedrooms. Every bedroom has two single beds. There is also one additional bathroom with a toilet and a bathtub as well as a balcony.
House surface : 135 m2 – 6 persons
- Structure (house)
- Private entrance
- Three bedrooms with two single beds (100 cm x 200 cm)
- A living room with two couches and a big dining table and benches
- A fully furnished kitchen with a dining table:
-Refrigerator with a freezer
-Washing machine
-Coffee maker, toaster
- A garden – a terrace with a view on the Julian Alps, the Karavanke and the surroundings of Bled
- Shower and toilet + a washing machine
- Bath + toilet
- Hairdryer
- Towels
- Bed linen
- Satellite TV
- Underfloor heating
- Deckchairs
- A wooden garden set
- Garden grill
- Electrical power supply connection at 230 V AC (50 Hz)
- A parking spot
- Arrival from 4 pm to 8 pm – departure from 8 am to 10 am
Poslovna ocena
0 Mnenje
0.0 povprečje glede na 0 Mnenja
5 zvezdic
4 zvezdice
3 zvezdice
2 zvezdice
1 zvezdico
Hitri kontakt
Kupljenik 12a, 4263 Radovljica, Gorenjska, Slovenija
Dodatna kontaktna okna
Apartmaji ApArt, Viktor Tersoglav s.p.
Davčna št.:
Kupljenik 12a, 4263 Bohinjska Bela
Odgovorna oseba:
Viktor Tersoglav
Kontaktna oseba:
Viktor Tersoglav
+386 (0)51 377 131
+386 (0)51 640 082

Certifikat - 2024

Apartmaji ApArt, Viktor Tersoglav s.p.
Kupljenik 12a, 4263 Bohinjska Bela

Certifikat - 2025

Apartmaji ApArt, Viktor Tersoglav s.p.
Kupljenik 12a, 4263 Bohinjska Bela
Kontaktne osebe
Viktor Tersoglav